Monday, February 7, 2011

Science and Faith

I had a very deep conversation with one of the youth of our church yesterday.  In science class, she had learned about the size, age, and constant change of the universe.  She had discovered that when compared to the vastness of the universe, the earth is relatively small.  This new found information troubled her deeply.  "If the earth is so tiny when compared to the universe," she asked,  "What does that say about us?  Do we really count?  What would compel God to care about us?"

To be honest I was really caught off guard by the depth of her questions?  And after preaching at two morning worship services and the normal busyness of Sunday mornings, my brain was not ready to wrestle with anything quite so philosophical.   But I could tell that this young person was really troubled, and was looking for some kind of answer.  I wish I could say that I wowed her with my insight, but I'm afraid I didn't.

I did tell her that her statement, about the vastness of the universe and the relative smallness of the earth, was simply an affirmation of the wonder of God's love and grace.  If the earth is a tiny speck, and we are even a tinier speck, doesn't that say something about God's incredible love?   I also shared that size has nothing to do with value.  Just because we are a tiny speck doesn't mean that God doesn't love or value us.  Jesus said that God values the birds of the air!   Out of the millions who live and have lived, He knows the number of hairs on my head and He knows my name!

I for one have the greatest respect for science.  The world of science has provided us with tremendous insights.  But science cannot answer the "value question." Only faith can tackle that one.  And it was faith that inspired the Psalmist of old to write:  "When I consider Your heavens, the work of Your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have ordained:  What is man that You take thought of him, and the son of man that You care for him?  Yet You have made him a little lower than God, and you crown him with glory and majesty!" (Psalm 8).



  1. "Do we really count?" Oh, do we ever! We are the reason for His creation. It is all for the purpose of birthing His ultimate creation - The CHURCH!

  2. Well you wowed me! I think you gave her a right on target awesome answer! Good job even after preaching two services and the business of Sunday mornings! I appreciate that you took her question seriously and recognized how important it was to her and gave it the attention it deserved.
