Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Discouraging News

An email from my missionary friend, Wayne Myers, altered me to an article in today's Swaziland Times.  I was able to access the article online:  More than 50 per cent Swazis Attend Indigenous Churches.  After reading the article, I see why my missionary friend was concerned.  The article referenced data which indicates that "missionary churches" are losing ground in Swaziland.  The article concerned me as well, since First Baptist has invested so much in Swaziland over the past thirteen years.  

Part of the problem is the approach of some missionaries, mission groups, and church planters.  Their approach is to impose a western worship style and structure on a culture which seeks a more expressive form of worship with less structure and formality.  In these cases, a commitment to Christ is not enough.   Evangelization is not complete until the heart as well as the culture has been transformed.  

A second problem is a reluctance on the part of missionaries and mission leaders  to train nationals to lead and to hand over responsibilities in a timely manner.  The study indicated that nationals often become impatient and strike out on their own with little training or resources to carry on the work.

A third problem is a lack of discipleship.  The data points to the fact that many who profess Christ are ill equipped to deal with the pressures of traditional Swazi culture.  Even after receiving Christ many turn to traditional beliefs and intermediaries, leading to the veneration of ancestors in the name of tradition.

As I read this article I was once again reminded of the tough job facing missionaries. I have witnessed on more than one occasion the discouragement over a person who seemed to demonstrate great potential only to discover they had fallen back into their old ways.

I was also reminded of how important discipleship is, irregardless of what culture.  The church has failed to equip believers to face the pressures of world whether in be Swaziland or Washington, North Carolina.  And that is discouraging news!


Saturday, April 17, 2010

The Christian Funeral

A friend recently gave me an autographed copy of Dr. Tom Long's latest book, Accompany Them with Singing:  The Christian Funeral.   I was one of Dr. Long's students over two decades ago while pursuing a Doctor of Ministry degree from Columbia Theological Seminary.  Dr. Long left Columbia to teach at Princeton, and is now at Candler School of Theology.

In his recent book, which according to Dr. Long himself took about twenty years to research, he articulates some of the same thoughts and feelings I have had in recent years about funerals.  Dr. Long contents that the Christian funeral has become more about the deceased--a memorial service honoring the life and memory of the departed--than about the hope we have in the Resurrected Christ.   He states:  "Christian pastors have desired to make funerals more personal, more expressive of the desires and lifestyles of the deceased and mourning families, but have ended up allowing them to become more individualistic and even narcissistic."

I don't think we should jump to the wrong conclusions from reading Dr. Long's recent work.  I don't believe he would ever propose that personal references have no place in the Christian funeral.  I simply believe he is saying that "It's Never About Us!"  Even in death, "It's Not About Us."  For the Christian, it is never about us, but it is always about the ONE who has redeemed us by means of His own precious blood.  Even in death, it is about the ONE who has been our Rock and Shield; the One who leads us even in the valley of the shadow of death!

I hope Dr. Long is contemplating a book on The Christian Wedding!


Saturday, April 10, 2010

Lessons from a Lone Jackal

This is a photo of a jackal I recently took in Kruger National Park, South Africa.  I have visited Kruger a number of times, but this was my first time spotting a jackal.  Jackals are interesting creatures.  They normally live alone or in pairs.  Rarely are they found in packs like their cousins--the wild dog.  Another unique characteristic is the male and female mate for life.  Jackals have a life-span of 10-12 years and are basically scavengers.

As you can see from the photo, this particular jackal was lying all alone in an open savanna.  There is no way to know for sure about this guy, but just a few observations based on what I saw.  He looks to be full-grown.  Since there were no signs of a mate, I assume that he is a loner.  Lying here, he looks as if he doesn't have a care in the world.  The sound of the diesel engine from our safari truck didn't cause him to flinch.

I couldn't help but wonder how this little guy has survived in such a volatile environment.  In fact, not far from where I took this shot, we came across the largest pride of lions I had ever seen in Kruger.  One of the characteristics of jackals I failed to mention above is their ability to communicate with a siren-like howl, especially when a predator is approaching.  

This little guy is not unlike many in the human species who choose to go it alone.  For us the predators are different, but none the less real.  Just as I wonder about the survival of this lone jackal, I wonder how the loners of our species can survive without relationships, friendships, family, or community.  As I stated in my observations, this jackal looks as though he doesn't have a care in the world.  But looks can be deceiving.  After all, didn't God create us for relationships?  Foremost among all relationships being our relationship with Him!


Saturday, April 3, 2010

An Exciting Opportunity for Youth

Have you ever said to your children or grandchildren, "Wish I'd had that opportunity when I was young!" or something similar?  Well, I wish I'd had this opportunity when I was a teenager!  What opportunity am I talking about?  I'm referring to the opportunity the youth of First Baptist will have in the summer of 2011 to participate in an international mission trip to Swaziland, Africa.

Since 2001, the leadership of First Baptist has made a concerted effort to offer the youth of our church the opportunity to participate in at least one international mission trip during their high school years.  The Youth Council began talking a few months back about the possibility of planning another youth mission trip to Swaziland in the summer of 2011.  I think this is an exciting opportunity for several reasons.

One, it further strengths the ongoing relationship First Baptist has established with Swaziland over the past 14 years.  Some of our youth, some now young adults,  continue to communicate and nurture friendships they made with Swazi youth when they participated in a similar experience.  Many have continued to be involved in our Swaziland partnership and other mission endeavors.

Two, it broadens a young person's cultural experience.  It allows a young person to see a part of the world most have never seen before.  It leaves them with an appreciation of the blessings we enjoy and helps appreciate the many things we simply take for granted.  Spending time in another part of the world helps a person, young or old, see that not all the world is the same.

Three, an international mission experience is a hands-on experience which usually leaves a person with a good feeling because of the positive impact they have made in the lives of others.  We have heard testimony after testimony from participants about the blessings received from such trips.

And four, for most an international mission trip is one of those spiritual markers in the journey of faith that makes leaves a lasting imprint.  My youngest daughter participated in two international trips when in high school.  One, a school-sponsored trip--mostly a sight-seeing adventure to Greece and Italy.  The other, a mission trip with our church to Swaziland.  The trip which she remembers the most and still talks about today is the mission trip to Swaziland.

Pray for God's guidance as we continue to put the details of next summer's trip together.  Pray for our youth as they begin to prayerfully consider their participation.  And pray for the people of Swaziland as they continue to open they hearts to the message of the Gospel.
